Friday, September 5, 2008

Student Dialogues - Typology in Different Traditions

Each week or two I like to share some conversations I have had with students or excerpts from student work that I think would benefit other students. This week, student Huda, brought up a very good point in one of her assignments. This is an excerpt from her assignment and my comment on her assignment:

Huda:Personal Reflection: it is more suitable to look at the Chinese (and any other) typography as a system in its own right.

Kristie Karima Burns, MH, ND: You make a good point. I will be sure to include this in the student BLOG so other students can understand that this is the intention of the assignment - to look at a system within its own right is the best way to evaluate a person. Because each system has it own way of looking at things which encompass the entire system. There is a core belief that runs each system and without that you are missing out on the depth. So when you are diagnosing you do need to stay within one system.

However, for educational purposes it helps to see how the systems correlate so you can get a better feel for the way typology works and the way the different systems may or may not work together. Cross referencing typology is like studying history – you are not going to use the information...but your knowledge and ability to make decisions and learn will be enhanced by studying it.

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